- QCM immunoassay for recombinant cysteine peptidase: A potential protein biomarker for diagnosis of citrus canker (2013)
- Electrochemical detection of Salmonella using gold nanoparticles (2012)
- Nano and submicrometric fibers of poly(D,L-lactide) obtained by solution blow spinning: Process and solution variables (2011)
- Adsorption of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles within layer-by-layer films: a kinetic study carried out using quartz crystal microbalance (2011)
- A Biosensor Using Poly(4-Aminophenol)/acetylcholinesterase modified graphite electrode for the detection of dichlorvos (2011)
- A promising bioelectrode based on gene of Mycobacterium leprae immobilized onto poly(4-aminophenol) (2010)
- Electropolymerization of 3-aminophenol on carbon graphite surface: electric and morphologic properties. (2008)
- Electrodes modified with polyaminophenols: Immobilization of purines and pyrimidines (2008)
- Atividade bacteriolítica de lisozima após modificação da estrutura química. (2006)
- Electrochemical Modification of Graphite Electrodes with Ply(4-aminophenol) (2006)
- Atividade bacteriolítica da lisozima purificada da clara de ovo de galinha, após modificação da estrutura química pelos reagentes anidrido acético ou succínico. (2005)