- Prevalence of sleep bruxism and associated factors in preschool children (2014)
- Association between developmental defects of enamel and early childhood caries: a cross-sectional study (2014)
- Impact of oral mucosal conditions on oral health-related quality of life in preschool children: a hierarchical approach (2014)
- Malocclusion in preschool children: prevalence and determinant factors (2014)
- Pattern of oral-maxillofacial trauma stemming from interpersonal physical violence and determinant factors (2014)
- Impact of treated/untreated traumatic dental injuries on quality of life among Brazilian schoolchildren (2014)
- Discomfort associated with fixed orthodontic appliances: determinant factors and influence on quality of life (2014)
- Dissatisfaction with dentofacial appearance and the normative need for orthodontic treatment: determinant factors (2014)
- Efetividade da Terapia Miofuncional Orofacial em Pacientes Ortodônticos: uma revisão sistemática (2014)
- Clinical consequences of untreated dental caries and toothache in preschool children. (2014)
- Oral mucosal conditions in preschool children of low socioeconomic status: prevalence and determinant factors (2013)
- Impact of Early Childhood Caries on the Oral Health-Related Quality of Life of Preschool Children and Their Parents (2013)
- Factors associated with number of erupted primary teeth in Brazilian children: a cross-sectional study (2013)
- Impact of untreated dental caries on quality of life of preschool children: different stages and activity (2013)
- Replantation of avulsed primary teeth: a systematic review (2013)
- Factors associated with the development of early childhood caries among Brazilian preschoolers (2013)
- Perinatal factors associated with developmental defects of enamel in primary teeth: a case-control study (2013)
- Is there justification for prophylactic extraction of third molars? A systematic review (2013)
- Strategy for apexification of wide-open apex associated with extensive periapical lesion in a weakened root (2013)
- Influence of disinfectant solutions on test materials used for the determination of masticatory performance (2013)
- Clinical and SEM characterization of prolonged retention of a primary tooth with pulpectomy. (2013)
- Developmental defects of enamel in primary teeth: prevalence and associated factors (2013)
- Validations of the Brazilian version of the Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (ECOHIS) (2012)
- Degree of dental anxiety in children with and without toothache: prospective assessment (2012)
- Urban-rural differences in oral and maxillofacial trauma (2012)
- Risk factors associated with facial fractures (2012)
- Dental trauma clinically mimicking single central incisor syndrome (2012)
- Untreated dental caries: Impact on quality of life of children of low socioeconomic status. (2012)
- Influence of periodontal treatment on objective measurement of masticatory performance (2012)
- Estudo longitudinal dos sinais e sintomas de disfunção temporomandibular frente a tratamento conservador com placa estabilizadora em clínica de graduação. (2012)
- Masticatory performance and taste perception in patients submitted to cancer treatment (2012)
- Der Einfl uss von Fehlbisslagen auf die Kauleistung eine systematische Übersicht (2012)
- Longitudinal assessment of periodontal status in patients with nickel allergy treated with conventional and nickel-free braces (2012)
- Parents' recognition of dental trauma in their children (2012)
- Clinical implications of early loss of a lower deciduous canine (2012)
- Malocclusion: social, functional and emotional influence on children. (2012)
- Accuracy of temporomandibular joint disc displacement diagnosis in panoramic radiography: Validation by magnetic resonance imaging (2012)
- Skeletal maturation of the cervical vertebrae: association with various types of malocclusion (2012)
- Inflammatory root resorption in primary molars: prevalence and associated factors (2012)
- Nickel: humoral and periodontal changes in orthodontic patients (2012)
- Quality of orthodontic treatment performed by orthodontists and general dentists (2012)
- Crohn's Disease: clinical manifestations of orthodontic interest (2011)
- Correlations between dentoskeletal variables and deep bite in Class II Division 1 Individuals (2011)
- Allergic reactions and nickel-free braces: A systematic review (2011)
- Prevalence and risk indicators of temporomandibular disorder signs and symptoms in a pediatric population with spastic cerebral palsy (2011)
- Authors response (2011)
- Severe root resorption and orthodontic treatment: Clinical implications after 25 years of follow-up (2011)
- Ocular hypertelorism in an orthodontic patient (2011)
- Extraction of four premolars in Black patients with bi-protrusion: aesthetic perceptions of professionals and lay people (2011)
- Dental trauma in individuals with severe cerebral palsy: prevalence and factors associated (2011)
- Impact of exposure to positive images on dental anxiety among children: a controlled trial. (2011)
- Prevalence and predictive factors of sleep bruxism in children with and without cognitive impairment. (2011)
- Fanconi's anemia in dentistry: a case report and brief literature review (2011)
- Level of agreement between self-administered and interviewer-administered CPQ8-10 and CPQ11-14 (2011)
- Nickel: Periodontal status and blood parameters in allergic orthodontic patients (2011)
- Non-accidental collision followed by dental trauma: associated factors (2011)
- Palatal radicular groove: Clinical implications of early diagnosis and surgical sealing (2011)
- Severe root resorption in orthodontic patients treated with the edgewise method: Prevalence and predictive factors (2010)
- Allergy to nickel in orthodontic patients: Clinical and histopathologic evaluation. (2010)
- Relationships of beta-blockers and anxiolytics intake and salivary secretion, masticatory performance and taste perception (2010)
- Authors' response (2010)
- The influence of malocclusion on masticatory performance (2010)
- Treatment of Chronic Periodontitis and Its Impact on Mastication (2010)
- Cornelia de Lange syndrome: A case report of a Brazilian boy (2010)
- Short-root anomaly in an orthodontic patient (2010)
- Severity of malocclusion in patients with cerebral palsy: Determinant factors (2010)
- Editor's Comment and Q (2010)
- Determining skeletal maturation stage using cervical vertebrae: evaluation of three diagnostic methods (2010)
- Self-Perception Regarding the Need for Orthodontic Treatment among Impoverished Schoolchildren in Brazil (2009)
- Prevalence of Nickel Allergy and Longitudinal Evaluation of Periodontal Abnormalities in Orthodontic Allergic Patients (2009)
- Aesthetic impact of malocclusion in the daily living of Brazilian adolescents (2009)
- Condyle-disk-fossa position and relationship to clinical signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders in women (2009)
- Factors associated with the desire for orthodontic treatment among Brazilian adolescents and their parents (2009)
- Imaging diagnosis of the temporomandibular joint: critical review of indications and new perspectives (2009)
- Incidence of dental trauma among adolescents: a prospective cohort study (2008)
- Avulsion of permanent lower central incisors: esthetic-functional solution (2008)
- Class II division 1 malocclusion with severe overbite: cephalometric evaluation of the effects of orthodontic treatment (2008)
- Dental demineralization associated with gastroesophageal reflux in an orthodontic patient (2007)
- Crossbite associated to open bite in deciduous dentition: case report (2007)
- Malocclusion: esthetic impact and quality of life among Brazilian schoolchildren (2006)
- Associação entre experiência odontológica na infância e ansiedade odontológica na adolescência (2006)
- Predictive factors for child behaviour in the dental environment (2006)
- Prevalência de má oclusão e necessidade de tratamento ortodôntico em escolares de 10 a 14 anos de idade em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil: um enfoque psicossocial (2005)
- Posicionamento condilar em pacientes classe I, II e III de Angle: avaliação através de radiografias transcranianas (2005)
- Conhecimento dos fatores envolvidos na higiene bucal de crianças queimadas (2004)
- Mordida Cruzada Posterior na Dentição Decídua: preceitos clínicos e relato de caso (2002)
- Diagnóstico de anomalias do desenvolvimento dentário: um estudo radiográfico (2002)