- Epidemiological profile of individuals with american cutaneous leishmaniasis in Jequitinhonha Valley, MG, Brazil (2014)
- Vaccine against Dental Caries: An Update (2014)
- Morphological characterization of the nasopalatine region in human fetuses and its association to pathologies (2013)
- Fibroplasia in oral surgical wounds subtted to topical Brazilian Propolis. (2013)
- Basosquamous carcinoma: Histopathological features (2012)
- Effect of Topical Application of Different Substances on Fibroplasia in Cutaneous Surgical Wounds (2012)
- Effect of topical propolis and dexamethasone on the healing of oral surgical wounds (2012)
- Dental trauma clinically mimicking single central incisor syndrome. QUALIS B3 (2012)
- Effects of propolis on lingual mucosa response of hamsters submitted to experimental carcinogenesis (2012)
- Primary oral melanoma: importance of early diagnosis (2011)
- Intramuscular Hemangioma in Lip Treated with Sclerotherapy and Surgery (2011)
- Nasolabial cyst: 18.5 year experience in a pathology laboratory.QUALIS B3 (Odontologia). (2011)
- Effect of propolis on mast cells in wound healing (2011)
- Study of intussusceptive angiogenesis in inflammatory regional lymph nodes by scanning electron microscopy. QUALIS A2 (2010)
- Paracoccidioidomycosis affecting female patient: case report and literature review (2010)
- Oral and Cutaneous Melanoma: Similarities and Differences (2010)
- Tongue intramuscular lipoma. QUALIS B5. (2010)
- Case report: Clinical, histological and ultrastructural characterization of type II dentinogenesis imperfecta. QUALIS B3 (2010)
- Oral squamous papilloma: clinical, histologic and immunohistochemical analyses (2009)
- Contribution to the study of the vasculature of submandibular and sublingual glands and lymph nodes of rats by corrosion cast technique combined with scanning electron microscopy. QUALIS A2 (2008)
- Extensive myiasis infestation over a squamous cell carcinoma in the face. Case report. QUALIS B3 (2008)
- Angioarchitecture of the ventral surface of the tongue from wistar rats. QUALIS B2 (2008)
- Vascular corrosion casting technique steps. QUALIS B2 (2007)
- Emprego da técnica de modelo de corrosão vascular em pesquisa odontológica. QUALIS B4 (2006)
- Displasia cleidocraniana: relato de caso clínico e revisão de literatura. QUALIS B5 (2006)
- Avaliação da posição dos terceiros molares inferiores retido em radiografias panorâmicas. QUALIS B4. (2005)
- Perfil clínico-epidemiológico dos pacientes de paracoccidioidomicose no Serviço de Estomatologia do Hospital São Lucas da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul. QUALIS B1 (2005)
- Prevalência de traumatismo dentário em crianças de 07 a 12 anos de idade. QUALIS B5 (2005)
- Lúpus eritematoso: uma abordagem estomatológica. QUALIS B5 (2004)
- Estudo das alterações morfológicas causadas pela uretana em modelo de carcinogênese bucal - DMBA induzida. QUALIS B4 (2003)
- Neurilemoma no lábio inferior. QUALIS B5 (2002)