- The Aerobic Exercise Reduces Cellular Stresses Related To Muscle Insulin Resistance In Obese Humans (2013)
- Recovery Using Different Water Immersion Temperatures Accelerates Post-exercise Cardiac Parasympathetic Reactivation (2013)
- Recovery Using Different Water Immersion Temperatures Does Not Improve Performance After an Exercise Session (2013)
- Proliferação linfocitária induzida por super antígeno está diminuída após exercício intervalado de alta intensidade (2013)
- Exercise Performance Of Middle-age And Young With Similar Vo2max Is Not Different Under Heat Stress (2011)
- Post-exercise Hypotension After Adventure Race (2011)
- Prevalence Of Physical Inactivity And Overweight Among Adolescents In Diamantina, Brazil (2011)
- The Accuracy Of Two Equations For Predicting VO2peak In Young Adults On Individualized Ramp Protocol (2011)
- Vo2peak Measured During A Ramp Protocol Using Equal Speed Increments Is Highest With Grade (2011)
- Does Whole Body Heat Acclimation Change Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Cytokine Response To Bacterial Lipopolysaccharide? (2008)
- Does Whole Body Heat Acclimation Change Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Thermotolerance? (2008)
- Effect Of Palm Cooling On Reducing Heat Strain In Resting Hyperthermic (2008)
- Effects of sports drinks supplements on performance and thermoregulatory responses of soccer players (2007)
- Hsp70 in serum and mononuclear cells during heat acclimation in humans (2007)
- The effect of the rate of rise in core temperature on serum Hsp70 during exercise in the heat (2007)
- Effect of Palm Cooling on Heat Extraction During Exercise in a Hot Dry Environment (2007)
- Twins Bed Rest Project: LBNP/Exercise Minimizes Changes in Lean Leg Mass, Strength and Endurance (2006)
- Twins Bed Rest Project: gender difference in loss of leg strength and endurance during bed rest (2006)
- Twins Bed Rest Project: Effects of LBNP/Exercise Countermeasure on Body Composition (2006)
- Orthostatic responses of type 2 diabetics after 48-Hrs of bed rest (2005)
- Does two days of bed rest cause metabolic deterioration? (2005)
- Correlation between local sweat rate induced by pilocarpine at rest and whole body sweat rate during 2 h dynamic exercise (2005)
- Whole-body sweat rate during graded exercise testing and sweat rate during prolonged exercise (2004)
- Comparisson between the activity of sweat glands with cholinergic stimulation and during progressive exercise to exhaustion (2003)
- Correlation between sweat rate during a progressive exercise and cutaneous pilocarpine stimulation (2003)
- Effects of pilocarpine stimulation and exercise on the forearm sweat rate (2003)
- Avaliação do estresse térmico e do estado de hidratação em atletas durante sessões de treinamento de futebol de campo (2002)
- Estudo da precisão de uma equação estimativa da sudorese durante um jogo de futebol de campo (2002)
- Estudo da taxa de sudorese durante exercício progressivo em atletas de voleibol (2002)
- Avaliação do estresse térmico e do estado de hidratação em atletas de futebol de campo profissional durante um jogo (2002)
- Estudo da precisão de uma equação estimativa da sudorese durante estudos em campo e laboratório (2002)
- Estudo da precisão de uma equação estimativa da sudorese durante treinamento de voleibol (2002)
- Avaliação da conduta técnica dos treinadores de equipes escolares quanto à hidratação no esporte (2002)
- Análise fracionada do equilíbrio hídrico durante o exercício submáximo em ambiente quente e úmido (2001)
- Water Replacement and kidney function during exercise in a hot humid Environment (2001)
- Correlação entre as temperaturas retal e timpânica durante exercícios físicos realizados em intensidades e condições ambientais diferentes (1999)
- Cálculo da reidratação em função da intensidade do exercício e das condições térmicas ambientais (1999)